Friday, July 11, 2008


At last abis gak training..takde pape yg interesting kat sana kecuali snap pics huhu 1st day tu mcm biasa the whole day ader kat training center,abis dl kol 530 ptg..balik hotel, siap2 n kitaorg trus drive ke tampin for our dinner..dalam kol 1030 kita jamming kat Cowboy Town lak,saja abis kan mlm tgk live band..balik bilik lewat gak dlm kol 1230 huhhh dah la esoknye ader test drive,jangan ader kete yg tebalik dah la hehehe mrning call kol 630 n test drive start at 800 n we ar the first group huhu betawakal je la..abis jerk test drive,ape lagi trus masuk bilik la n smbung tidur..tghhari lunch pastu kol 200 start exam n mintak2 pass coz semua org meniru hehehe trainers jeling je..pastu balik kl

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